Snake Stars in Scary Back-to-school Photobomb

ShaneJoy Mills asked her daughter Brooke to please show her teeth for the photo. She didn't. But the snake behind her almost did.

Yes, that's a snake—a large one—photobombing Mills' obligatory Summer's Over snapshot, eyes locked on the Auburn 7th grader.

Taken Thursday morning,the photo of the close encounter crash course in biology has already received thousands of shares on Facebook.

“Lord, it was scary! I got two pictures and said ‘show your teeth please, baby!’ Then I saw the snake," Mills told WRBL.

“I said ‘Brooke come here’ and she looked at me like I’m not done taking pics! So I said ‘Brooke get away from the tree now.’ I said it calmly, but I’m sure my face said it all.”


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