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Today is National Toilet Paper Day!

Taking a look at the Way-Too-Detailed Holiday Calendar, we see that August 26th is National Toilet Paper Day!

According to Quilted Northern Toilet Paper, August 26, 1871 was the first time that toilet paper was ever sold on a roll. Obviously, a lot of people lived a lot of days before this date in 1871 – what did they use or do? Wood shavings, hay, rocks, corncobs, and even frayed anchor cables. Ancient Romans used a sponge on a stick that sat in a bucket of salt water that was shared by everyone (yuck).Leaves, rags, moss and rags were some of the less-painful (and probably more sanitary) options. Wealthy people used wool, lace or other fabrics. And by the by? Even the cheapo stuff that’s used today is about one million times more comfortable that the original stuff. How do we know? As late as the 1930’s companies used the fact that their product DIDN’T HAVE SPLINTERS as a marketing tool! Now, Americans actually use more than seven-billion rolls of toilet paper a year.

While some people have very strong feelings about what brand toilet paper they use (as do cartoon bears, if the marketing is to be believed), even more people seem to be unyielding in their preference of which way the toilet paper is put on the holder.

So what do YOU think? Overhanded or underhanded? Let us know in the comments!

SOURCE: Dr. Dave

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